
New Storyline 360 upgrade

29 de October de 2019
3 min

We inform you that this October 29th, Articulate has launched a very interesting update of the Storyline product.

The main new feature is the new triggers panel that allows you to collapse and group triggers. This makes it easier to work with them, especially on screens where we have a large number of them. In addition, by grouping them, we can change options quickly by doing it only once.

For example, if we want to change that some actions are not when clicking, but when passing the mouse over the object, we will no longer have to do it trigger by trigger, but grouping the triggers, we will do it in a single action:



In addition, the trigger creation form is now more intuitive:

In this link you can discover all the features of this new version.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any questions you may have.